To have students write a short story based on a character sketch.
Assign “Sir Tatton Sykes” by Christopher Sykes to be read and discussed in class.
Students should recognize that the selection is not short story but a character sketch.
Explain to students that some writers use the technique of writing elaborate character sketches before writing a story.
Students will select an aspect of Sir Tatton’s character and develop a short story. The development of the story must be consistent with the traits given.
Review the elements of plot, point of view, theme, and setting.
Suggestions for stories
Conflict between Sir Tatton and his son
Sir Tatton’s love of his horses
Sir Tatton being forced to sell one of his horses Story about his love for fox hunting
Story about his relationship with his wife
Story about his love for racing
Stories will be shared with the class. Each story will be discussed in terms of the development of the various elements discussed in class.