Below you will find a sampling of films available from Michigan Media. They can be rented for a very reasonable amount. A rental catalog, “Educational Films and Video 1983L A Rental Catalog,” can be obtained by writing:
Michigan Media
University Media
Media Resources Center
400 Fourth Street
Ann Arbor, Michigan, 48109
Telephone: (313) 764-5360
The Blue Hotel, Stephen Crane. color 57 minutes. 5215-F $27.80.
Paul’s Case, Willa Cather. color 55 minutes. 8482-F $28.85.
Fall of the House of Usher, Edgar Allan Poe. 4121-F
Lengend of Sleepy Hollow, 540-F
Rocking Horse Winner 2321-F
Young Goodman Brown 646-F
Literature in America-The Short Story 3792-F