Peace and Aggression: A Challenge of Our Time
Joan Rapczynski and Florence Zywocinski
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Give FeedbackLesson Plan #8
Map Skill-Important places in Southeast Asia
The students will be able to locate key places that became newsworthy during the Vietnam War.
1. Give to each student a blank map of Southeast Asia.
2. Put the following places on the blackboard and have the students locate them on their own maps.
a. North Vietnam
m. Demilitarized Zone (DMZ)
b. South Vietnam
n. Da Nang
c. Cambodia
o. Dak To
d. Laos
p. Saigon
e. Thailand
q. Mekong Delta
f. Hainan
r. Phnom Penh
g. Gulf of Thailand
s. Bangkok
h. South China Sea
t. 17th parallel
i. Gulf of Tonkin
u. Mekong River
j. Bien Dien Phu
v. Ho Chi Minh Trail
k. Hanoi
w. Pleiku
l. Haiphong
x. Central Highlands