A Different Drummer
. University of Southern California. This film which is 15 minutes long shows the reasoning and meaning behind abstract painting.
All My Sons
. Universal Education and Visual Arts, 221 Park Avenue South, New York 10003. 92 min.
Arthur Miller’s Salesman
. Thomas S. Klise Co., P.O.Box 3418, Peoria, Illinois 61614. A sound/color filmstrip.
Arthur Miller:
Death of a Salesman
Performance by Lee J. Cobb, Mildred Dunnock, Michael Tolan, Gene Williams and Dustin Hoffman, the original cast. Caedmon CDL 5310.
Ernest Bloch,
An Epic Rhapsody in Three Parts for Orchestra
Five Artists View the Contemporary Scene
Filmstrip available from Yale Art Gallery. Paintings and interviews by five New York artists.
The American Dream told by the Men and Women Who
Lived It.
Caedmon, SWC 2069.
Toqueville: Democracy in America.
Edited by Henry Steele Commager. “An illuminating commentary on American character and institutions . . .” written by a foreigner Caedmon, SWC 2039.
Tennessee Williams.
Thomas S. Klise Co.
A sound/color filmstrip.
Understanding American Drama
. Educational Dimensions, PO0. Box 488, Great Neck, N.Y. 11022 #716.
What Is Drama
? Guidance Associates, Pleasantville, N.Y. 10570. A sound, color filmstrip in two parts of 12 minutes each.
What Is Theater
? Thomas S. Klise Co. Two sound/color filmstrips.
: The American Singer. Thomas S. Klise Co. Sound/color filmstrip. 20 min.