Confort, Alex.
A Good
Age. New York; Crown Publishers, 1976.
In alphabetical listing are many topics pertaining to issues, problems and stereotypes about aging. It is written in an easy to read style with a very positive point of view and in many sketches and summaries of the accomplishments made by a large host of different elderly people from all over the world over the ages.
Diagram Group.
Man’s Body
An Owner’s Manual
. New York; Bantam, 1976.
A useful book that covers a wide variety of topics that relate to man and his body. Section L deals with the process of aging and the decline of sensory and motor abilities.
Grollman, Earl.
Explaining Death to Children
. Beacon Press, 1967.
. Beacon Press, 1971.
Concerning Death
. Beacon Press, 1972.
Talking About Death
. Beacon Press, 1976.
A series of books that are designed to help adults in discussing with children about the awareness and acceptance of death.
Hemingway, Ernest.
The Old Man and the Sea
. New York; Scribner, 1961.
The interaction between an old Cuban fisherman and a young boy during a fishing trip are described in Hemingway’s short novel.
Juity, Sam.
Men’s Bodies
Men’s Selves
. New York; Delta Book.
An excellent book that covers a wide range of topics relevant to men. Contains an excellent section on aging that deals with aheism, male menopause, preparation for old age, death, social security and sex.
Smith, Bert Kruger.
Aging in America
. Boston; Beacon Press, 1973.
A MUST! An informative and literary description of aging in America. Includes many examples of the personal problems created by this country’s treatment of the elderly. Includes programs tried and resources available for information on aging.