Henry J. Brajkovic
Auden, W. H. (ed.)
The Portable Greek Reader
. New York: The Viking Press. 1948.
An excellent introduction to Greek thought and literature.
Bartók, Béla and Lord, Alpert B.
Croatian Folk Songs.
Texts and Transcriptions of Seventy-five Folk Songs from the Milman Parry Collection and a Morphology of Serbo-Croatian Folk Melodies. New York: Columbia University Press. 1951.
A book for those with an interest in folk music. It has the original poems and their translations.
Butler, Thomas.
Monumenta Serbocroatica
. A Bilingual Anthology of Serbian and Croatian Texts From The 12th To The 19th Century. Ann Arbor, Michigan: Michigan Slavic Publications, University of Michigan. 1980.
The best anthology of historical and literary works of the past;, some are excerpts from masterpieces of Yugoslav literature.
Dvornik, Francis.
The Slavs in European History and Civilization.
New Brunswick, New Jersey: Rutgers University Press. 1962. An excellent general history of the many Slavic nations and their involvement with the major European and Ottoman-Turkish nations.
Koljevic, Svetozar.
The Epic In The Making
. Oxord: Clarendon Press. 1980.
A major work in English on Yugoslav epic poetry.
Morison, W. A.
The Revolt Of The Serbs Against The Turks (1804-1813)
Translations from the Serbian National Ballads of the Period, with an Introduction. Cambridge: At The University Press. 1942. It describes when the Serbs carried on their rebellions against the Turkish pashas (governors). An interesting collection of folk poems on recent historical events.
Seyffert, Oskar.
A Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
. New York: The Meridian Books. 1957.
An excellent paperback covering the mythology, religion, literature, and art of the Greek classical times.
Stanoyevich, Dr. B. Stevenson.
An Anthology Of Jugoslav Poetry
—Serbian Lyrics. Boston: Richard G. Badger, The Gorham Press. 1920.
Short selections of varied lyric poems.
Tripp Edward.
The Meridian Handbook of Classical Mythology
. New York and Scarborough, Ontario: New American Library. 1970. Originally published as
Crowell’s Handbook of Classical Mythology
. An indispensable guide.
West, Rebecca.
Black Lamb and Grey Falcon.
A Journey Through Yugoslavia. New York: The Viking Press. 1941.
The best book in English on Yugoslavia—its people, history and traditions. It describes the conditions in Yugoslavia before World War II and the intellectual cleavage among the intelligentsia.
Wilson, Duncan.
The Life and Times of Vuk Stefanovic Karadzic
, 1787-1864. Literacy, Literature, and National Independence in Serbia. Oxford: At The Clarendon Press. 1970.
In addition to following the life of Vuk Karadzic the book describes the struggles Vuk had in instituting a new literacy reform, and his efforts in collecting national folk poems. It also describes his relations with various Serbian leaders.