Students must compare themselves to some mythical country, and answer the questions on the background about the self.
1. What is the name of this country?
2. Who discovered this country?
3. When was it discovered?
4. Where was it discovered?
5. If this country is one of many on a large continent, how many are there?
6. What are its physical features?
7. What is its racial make-up?
8. What is its principal means of communication?
9. What languages are spoken?
10. What is its climate?
11. How does it get along with other countries?
12. Who are its allies?
13. What religion is practiced here?
14. What are its principal resources?
15. What are some points of interest?
16. What are some recreational activities?
17. What are some historical events?
18. How is it governed?
19. What are some of its problems?
20. What battles have it been a part of?
21. What is its stand on education?
22. What is its attitude toward drugs and sex?
23. What does it think about children’s rights?
24. What is this country’s hope for the future?
The answers from the “Identity Map Search” can be used by students as a guide in writing their autobiographies.
Appoint a judge and five students to act as jurors. Two students present opposing views to the same problem. The opposing views are supported by witnesses who give testimony. The role of the jurors and judge is to come up with a viable solution.
Students can assemble a bulletin board about themselves. Student autobiographies are placed in the center. Yarn is used to connect any pictures, certificates, awards, or drawings to the autobiographies.
If two large boards are used, the displays of two or three students can be shown. Each week the display can be changed to allow everyone an opportunity to mount his display.
Phone Number:
1. Check the job you are applying for:
_____ washing boards
_____ distributing and collecting papers
_____ passing out and collecting books
_____ messenger
_____ cafeteria monitor
_____ line leader
_____ removing displays from bulletin boards
2. What are your reasons for applying for this job?
3. What are your qualifications?
4. List any previous jobs held.
5. List references.
* This job is temporary and will last one month.
Allow parents an opportunity to assist in raising their child’s self-esteem. Distribute a copy of the following letter to parents.
Dear Parent,
This year I would like to supplement the regular academic curriculum with a unit designed to raise self-esteem in children. The experiences your child will have in school should help him develop a sense of identity and acceptance, but I need your help, too.
Your influence on your child’s self-esteem is very important. He needs to feel that you are interested in him and recognize his achievements. At the same time, it you have interests or talents you are willing to share, it will allow your child to feel a sense of pride in you. No interest is too small or insignificant. For example, you might want to share your interest in music, poetry, ethnic foods, crafts, dance, sports, or your career. When possible, plan to use your child as your assistant.
Please complete the form below, and return it with your child.
I _______ work.
do, don’t
I am available for 45 minutes on _____ .
I am interested in _____ and would like to share it with the class.
I have no special interests, but I do want to see the kinds of things my child is doing in school._____
After the forms have been collected, make a schedule of the times and dates when parents are available to visit the class.
Students record their personal feelings about the events of the day. If they had negative feelings, they should think of ways they can change them into positive feelings.