Globe Map Company, Inc.
Maps & Globe Filmstrip Kit
A portion of this filmstrip kit deals with scenes about Latin America and the Caribbean countries. Available upon order—Department of Audiovisual Education, New Haven Public Schools. Also, available upon order from the above publisher, 198485 catalog.
Globe Map Company, Inc.
Wall Maps and Illustrations
Wall maps and illustrations can be obtained from the New Haven Public Schools, Social Studies Department. Also available upon order, from the above publisher, 198485 catalog.
The following sources can be obtained from the Flame Company, 198586 catalog.
The Great Puerto Rican Men
(Grandes Hombres Puertorriquenos)
A book with many illustrations dealing with the life and fame of the worldacknowledged and most famous Puerto Rican men.
Arce de Vazquéz.
Lecturas Puertorriquenas: Prosa (Puerto Rican Readings: Prose)
Arce de Vazquéz.
Lecturas Puertorriquenas: Poes’a (Puerto Rican Readings: Poetry
A great book.
Historia de la isle de Cuba
(History of the Cuban Island.
Highly recommended book to be used with the study of this unit.
Lopez, Morales.
Poes’a Cubana Contemporanea (Contemporary Cuban Poetry)
An excellent book. Also highly recommended to be used with the study of this unit.
Historia de Santo Domingo (History of Santo Domingo)
Nu–ez Molina,
Geografia de la Republica Dominicana y Naciones
America Continental (Geography of the Dominican Republic and the Continental American Nations)
Excellent books.
Other references sources can be obtained from the New Haven Teacher’s Center, Yale Teacher’s Institute and the Hamden Cooperative Migratory Program: Audio and Teaching Resources Department.