1. Anderson, David R, Dennis J. Sweeney and Thomas A. Williams.
Statistics: Concepts and Applications
. St. Paul, MN. West Publishing Company. 1986.
Chapter 10 bears most directly on this Unit. It will lead to other Chapters.
Readable text for college or senior high school. Wide variety of applications. Superb problems.
2. Devore, Jay and Roxy Peck.
Statistics: The Exploration and Analysis of Data.
St. Paul, MN. West Publishing Company. 1986. Chapters 7 and 8 apply to this Unit. Slightly more “mathematical’’ than Anderson (1). Aimed at college. Good problems.
3. Edwards, Allen L.,
Statistical Analysis
. New York. Holt, Rinehart and Winston, Inc. 1969.
Chapters 9 and 10 apply to this Unit. Readable and without heavy theory. Good examples.
4. Fehr, Howard F, Lucas N.H. Bunt and George Grossman.
An Introduction to Sets, Probability and Hypothesis Testing
. Boston, MA. D.C. Heath and Company. 1964.
Chapter 4 through 6 apply to this Unit. Good examples are cited. The theory is aimed at Grade 12 or college students.
5. Howell, David B. “The Statistics Sampler.’’ Unit 4 of
The Measurement of Adolescents
, Curriculum Units by Fellows of the Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute, 1985, Volume VIII.
Pre-requisite for both teacher and students to this Unit.
6. Landwehr, James M, Jim Swift and Ann E. Watkins.
Information from Samples
. A Booklet “prepared for the American Statistical Association—National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Joint Committee on the Curriculum in Statistics and Probability.’’ Development copyright by the authors. 1984.
An important, readable, doable unit on essentially the same content as this Unit, but from a graphical approach. Wonderful material.
7. Mason, Robert D.
Statistical Techniques in Business and Economics
. Homewood, Il. Richard D. Irwin, Inc. 1978.
Good applications. Chapter II takes a relatively informal approach to sampling and confidence limits.
8. McGhee, John W.
Introductory Statistics
. St. Paul, MN. West Publishing Company. 1985.
Chapter 8 applies to this Unit. Consistent with (1) and (2).
9. Runyon, Richard P. and Audrey Haber.
Fundamentals of Behavioral Statistics
. Reading MA. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 1984. Another (usually) readable, non-theoretical college text.