Pamela M. Fowler
To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the weaving process.
As the finale of “A Stitch in Time“ each student will demonstrate their understanding of the weaving process by creating and completing a wall hanging (tapestry) of their own choice.
Lesson 5-1
To Create a Wall Hanging
1 -16”x48“ smooth piece of wood
string-firmly twisted (twine or wire is best)
assorted materials as desired
picture hangers
1. Paint wood as desire using:
a. oil finish or varnish
b. glue on fabric
c. Ieave natural
d. shellac
2. Lightly sketch a line 1 “ away from the edge on the two 1 6“ sides first, the on the other sides.
3. Hammer in the nails on the lines approximately one-eighth of an inch apart.
4. Dress the loom with firmly twisted string (see lesson 3-5)
5. Begin to weave.
To End the Tapestry
Tie the ends of string to the last two nails.
To Hang the Tapestry
Nail in one picture hanger on the left upper corner of the tapestry and one on the upper right corner. Display the Tapestry.
Supplemental Activities for Phase II
The following activities can be used by the teacher to enhance and reinforce the learning process.
1. Videos and films
Winchester (Wexler) School
Dixwell Avenue
New Haven, CT 06519
(behind the Q-House)
2. Library Research is defined as searching through the library card catalog and listing books that are available and which pertain to the discussion topic. After a book is found the student A. copies down the title, author and catalog number (or Dewy Decimal System). B. Iocates the book and C. skims through it in order to identify whether the book is appropriate for future reference. By skimming the table of contents the students can usually identify the appropriateness of the book.
3. Book Reviews are based on the students’ findings Tom the previously mentioned Library Research. Another way of explaining a book review is to name it a book report, a one to two page report of a book read.
4. Guest Speakers
Audobon St.
B. Art Teachers within school building
5. Field Trips
A. Eli Whitney Museum
Whitney Avenue
B. The connecticut Historical Society
Whitney Avenue
Audobon St.
D. Durham Historical Society
Main St., Durham, CT.
E. Durham Fair-Last weekend in September
Main St., Durham, CT
F. Guilford Fair ( September)
6. Follow up the field trips with a written paper about what was learned. Liked or disliked.
7. Designer’ s Day—Designate one day for students to display their designs of clothing for men, women and children to the school. Vote on 1st place, 2nd. place, and 3rd place and bring the design to life by making a pattern and se wing the article to be modeled at the quarterly or yearly awards ceremony.
8. Rent a spinning wheel to use or maKe one.
9. Have students create advertisements to promote particular designs and materials.