Cynthia H. Roberts
Burnett Whit ed.,
Black Hands on a White Face
, New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1971.
Selection of stories written by black and white authors which deal with significant dramatical experiences in their lives.
Clarke, John Henrik, ed.,
American Negro Short Stories
, New York: Hill and Wang, 1966.
An anthology of thirty-one stories reflecting black experiences in the U.S.
Gesell, Arnold,
Youth: The Years from Ten to Sixteen
, New York: Harper and Row Publishing Company, 1956.
It traces the development of behavior in the setting of the home, school, and the community.
King, Woodie, editor,
Black Short Story Anthology
, New York: Columbia University Press, 1972.
A collection of short stories about various aspects of the black culture and being black in the sixties.
Stewart, Daniel Y.,
Black New Haven 1920-1977
, Advocate Press, Inc., New Haven, 1977.
Deals with the redevelopment of New Haven’s black communities.