The ten preselected prints of Hopper’s works will be employed on an individual weekly basis primarily as a teacherled classroom discussion. If available, slides will also be used to highlight style or compositional techniques (10 weeks).
An introductory slide show will acquaint the student with Edward Hopper and a sampling of his works.
A tour of the Yale Art Gallery will provide each student with a firsthanded observation of three of Hopper’s major works:
Rooms by the Sea,
Western Motel,
1957; and
Sunlight in a Cafeteria,
A photographic expedition of the student’s community to allow each student to photograph similar ordinary and commonplace buildings or sites that are closely related to Hopper’s compositional topics.
A journal writing assignment which permits each student to record the occurrences, the obstacles, and the preparations before, during and after the photographic experience.
Background reading selections which will discuss Hopper’s thematic approaches, his subject matter, and his stylistic techniques.
Within the context of each weekly print, each student will write a comparison/contrast essay citing the technological improvements/differences as reflected within Hopper’s works and their contemporary times.