Hermine Smikle.
The curriculum unit is designed to introduce a unit of simple logic and have students exposed to the area of Boolean algebra and how it can be used as a tool for problem solving.
These mathematical ideas have been left out of the curriculum of many high school students. There is a need for mathematics to become more relevant to today’s society. Boolean Algebra with its application to the development of logic circuits will provide some hands on application and to bring to students the importance of technology and the effects it has had on our society.
Rationale of the unit
The guiding principles of this unit is that any area of mathematics can be presented to students at the high school level and that mathematics should be
a) relevant to the existing and growing needs of the society
b) related to the ability of the student
c) should serve as a motivator to careers that will interest the student
d) provide the motivation for further inquiry.
The basic principle of the unit shows how an area of mathematics and some fundamental concepts are applicable to real life and modern Technology. Students should be encouraged to seek out areas in which this technology apply and make some comparisons of the technology now and those that existed in years past.
Objectives of the unit
a) To help students acquire a range of mathematical skills
b) To make mathematics relevant to the experiences of the students, there-fore recognizing mathematical principles in his environment.
c) To apply mathematical knowledge to the solution of problems.
d) To present a unit in the area of Boolean Algebra that is important to the understanding of circuits and how they work.
: This unit is designed for classes at the high school level. It can be a part of a unit in geometry, or could be used by a group of students for independent study.
The Specific Objectives of the Unit
1 Introduction to logic:
The students will be able to:
a) Distinguish valid statements from those that are not valid.
b) To define a statement; To use reasoning; make deductions and implications.
c) To use simple connectives.
d) To make truth tables.
2. Introduction to Binary Arithmetic:
a) Define the numerals in the Binary system.
b) To find the values of a numeral written in the binary system in base ten.
c) To perform the basic operations in the binary system.
3. Introduction to Boolean Algebra.
a) Simple operation with boolean algebra
b) Make truth tables
c) Application of Boolean Algebra to
(1) electrical switches ; (using ON and OFF)
(2) write truth for adders and half adders
(3) designing simple circuits.