Briston, Richard:
We Live in Spain,
A living Here Book, The Book Wright Press., New York, 1984.
Carsaniga, Pamela:
Living in Rome,
Lee, Mary and Sachner, Mark J.:
Children of the World,
Sapin, Garth Stevens Publishing, Milwakee.
McFarland, Jeanne:
Silves Burdett Company.
Miller, Arthur:
Places and People of the world,
Chelsea House, New York, Philadelphia.
Perez Marinez, Aurelio and Dr. Cubero, Jose H.:
EI Mundo Y Mi Comunidad,
Cultural Puertoriquena, Inc.
United States committee:
UNISEF’S Festival Book,
For Unicef United Nations, New York, Library of Congress, Card #7c66-10853.