Clarence Roberts Jr.
Wesley R., et. al.,
“Contemporary Theories about the Family.”
The Free Press, New York, 1979. This book discusses various theories about the development of the family. Plenty of charts and technical information.
“American Families”
Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1980. Good source book on variables shaping the development of the family.
John N.,
“The Family and Change,”
Alfred A. Knopp, 1969. Seeks to explain the reasons for changes in the family structure.
“Science, Myth, Reality: The Black Family in one Half Century.”
Greenwood Press, Westport, Ct., 1982. Tries to negate myths about the black family.
Franklin E.,
“The Negro Family in the United States,”
Citadel Press, New York, 1948. Excellent source book since it was one of the first. Some of his theories have been proven incorrect by later research.
Michael, ed.,
“The American Family in Social-Historical Perspective.”
St. Martin’s Press, New York, Third Edition, 1983. A collection of essays on various aspects of the family’s development.
Herbert G.,
“The Black Family in Slavery and Freedom. 17501925.”
Patheon Books, Now York, 1976. Traces the development of the Black family from pre revolutionary days to the present century.
Lynda L.,
“The TwoCareer Family.”
Schenknan Publishing Company, Cambridge, Mass., 1972. This book looks at the affects of the two-career family on present day society. It causes and future.
Arlene A. & Jerome H.,
“Family in Transition.”
Little, Brown and Company, Fourth Edition, 1983. Looks at the family as it passed from one structure to another to determine the causes of.