Adipocyte - A special cell that contains fat.
Adolescence - The time period between puberty and adulthood, roughly from about ages 12 to 21.
Appetite - Sensations which cause a desire for hunger.
Basal Metabolic Rate - Amount of energy required for the involuntary work of the brain, heart, muscles and digestive organs.
Biologic Age - Age in terms of growth spurt and pubertal status.
Body image - The inner, mental picture of one’s body.
Ectomorphy - Human body structure which tends to be thin and bony.
Endomorphy - Human body structure which tends to be soft and round.
Hunger - Unpleasant sensations felt when one is craving food or after food deprivation.
Mesomorphy - Human body structure which tends to be muscular.
Obesity - Excessive accumulation of body fat.
Overweight - Weight in excess of normal range.
RDA - Recommended Dietary Allowances.
Satiety - Sensations which drive one to stop eating because hunger has been satisfied.
Self-Esteem - An opinion of oneself, often taken as the positive feelings one holds about oneself.