Topic: Circular Designs
Objective/introductory statement:
Student will be able to manipulate a pair of compass to create circular designs.
Pairs of compasses, paper, pencil, copies of African circular designs.
Key Questions:
l. What are some of the special features of African circular designs?
2. How can these designs be compared with circular designs of other cultures?
Background Information:
Circular designs can be found in African ornaments. These designs can be found in other cultures notably that of the Hindus.
l. Have students study the circular designs of the Africans.
2. Give students practice using the pair of compasses by having them make concentric circles of various sizes.
3. Demonstrate the procedure by creating circular designs. Begin with the center design. Add the patterns inside. Add more circles and designs symmetrically. Fill in the open spaces. Shade to highlight special sections.
l. Have students create their own circular designs.
2. Have students give a discussion on their designs.
3. Display individual work.
Curriculum Coordinates: Social Studies.
(a) Students can research the contribution of the Hindus to the development of the mandelas.
(b) Students can investigate the use of mandelas in the Hindu culture; medieval cultures, and the Indian cultures of the Americas.