Lesson I. Overview of the historv and jewelry of the Sahara Desert
Lesson II. Beading of jewelry pieces
The student will learn how to string beads and make patterns from the way they place the beads on string.
Materials needed:
1. String for necklace or bracelet
2. Beads (a few sizes and lots of colors)
3. Needle for stringing
4. Latch for each end of jewelry piece
5. Container to store work for each student
Demonstrate the different techniques used for the jewelry of the Sahara. Have students practice threading a needle and stringing beads.
* This lesson should take approx. 60 min.
Lesson III. History and jewelry of the Sahara
Lesson IV. Making beaded necklaces and bracelets from the Sahara
* This lesson should take approx. 60-90 min.