Poetry Through the Eyes of An Actor
Cleo Mary Coppa
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The final project would be for students to write their own poems and act them out using props and costumes. The students would be able to choose a topic from a list given by the teacher. After the students have all chosen their topics we would prepare this project as a group. We would start with “theatre games”, which I mentioned earlier in the unit. The “Mirror” exercise is an excellent warm-tip and great for concentration. Two students face each other one students is the mirror, the other students is looking in the mirror (which is the other student). The two would simultaneously move their hands, make facial expressions, comb their hair, etc. The poems and sonnets discussed in this unit are by no means the limit to poetry. I want to share with my students other poets such as; Langston Hughes, Morning After, Consider Me; e.e. Cummings, Somewhere I have Never Traveled, and Robert Frost’s, The Death of the Hired Man are just to name a few. The possibilities are endless.