Barrow, Robin.
An Introduction to Philosophy of Education.
London, Methuen 1975 Experience-based education is not against curriculum centered education but gently pulls the carpet from under its comfortable conservatism. Barrow’s pretentiously written book excludes texts that do not fit in with R.S. Peter’s philosophy of the curriculum.
Dewey, John.
Experience and Education.
NY, Macmillan 1963 Americans seem to have wiped from their collective memory their own greatest of all philosophers of education, John Dewey. The ideas succinctly expressed in this short book on experience-based education are not quite the same as those worked out in this unit, but they are consistent with them.
Horne, R.A.
Chemistry of the Environment.
NY, Wiley 1978 In most texts, the hydrogical cycle is included as one datum among others. In this major text, the hydrological cycle is the datum upon which the rest of life hangs.
Manahan, Stanley.
Fundamentals of Environmental Chemistry.
Michigan, Lewis Publishers 1993 Though currently a standard text on environmental chemistry, nearly half of the book is given over to a turgid summary of general chemistry. He does this because he knows his students have poorly mastered introductory concepts. From the perspective here, he would more effectively have retaught these concepts by using the environment as a context to bring these abstractions to life, as per this teaching unit.
Neill, A.S.
Hearts not heads in the School.
London, H. Jenkins 1944 Neill is best remembered as the exponent of Free Schools. He wrote prolifically but each book really just develops some part of his theory of education, the most important of which (in my view), is the belief that feeling awareness must precede cognitive analysis.
Wilbraham, Antony.
California, Addison Wesley 1993 I chose this book as the student text because it beautifully represents the best of contemporary texts on the market. What is wrong with it is what is typical, i.e. theory not context centered. The key concepts found in this unit were taken from chapters 15 and 16 on Water and aqueous systems and Properties of solutions. Ideas for the experiment on electrolytes were taken from the accompanying small scale laboratory manual for this text.
Wilbraham, Antony.
California, Addison Wesley 1993 A good reference text book for when the basic ideas of the chemistry of the hydrological cycle are understood.