1. To read and respond to literature.
2. To compare and graph physical differences among people.
3. To identify similarities among people.
4. To learn and sing a song from a literature book.
5. To graph and analyze data.
1. Study title page and cover of the book, Bein’ With You This Way, by W. Nikola-Lisa.
a. Identify the different children by race, age and what they are doing.
b. Identify the setting of the story.
c. Predict what the story’s plot will be based on the title and the cover and title page illustrations.
2. Read Bein’ With You This Way, by N. Nikola-Lisa.
a. Summary: a young African American girl visits the park to play with her friends. She realizes that her friends have many physical differences such as straight hair, curly hair, light skin, dark skin, blue eyes and brown eyes. The story which is set to a playground rap, celebrates diversity and recognizes the important similarities.
3. Discuss the story.
a. How were her friends different from each other?
b. How were they similar?
4. Make a graph of the physical diversity in our class.
a. Choose categories to graph: light skin, dark skin, tall, short, curly hair, straight hair.
b. Using big block graph paper, list numerals vertically and categories horizontally.
c. Fill in blocks in each category to match with the number of students who possess the characteristic in our classroom.
d. Remind students that individuals may fall into more than one category.
5. Students will individually explain their charts and their findings.
6. Discuss reasons for variation of conclusions from one chart to another (such as differences in individual perception or inaccurate data)
7. Display at learning center.