Hardy, James Earl.
Spike Lee, Filmmaker
. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1996. Written for the adolescent reader, the book describes the life and work of the African American filmmaker. It includes photographs, further reading and a brief summary of African American filmmaking.
Maslin, Janet. “A Tender Domestic Drama From, No Joke, Spike Lee
.” New York Times
. 13 May 1994. Review of
Mittler, Gene and Rosalind Ragans.
Exploring Art
. Lake Forest, IL: Glencoe, Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Publishing Company, 1992. Art textbook specifically for middle school students with excellent chapter on Graphic Arts which includes poster making and a lesson on film history.
New York Times. “Taking the Children.” weekly Sunday feature. Readable film reviews with children and youths in mind.
——— selected daily movie reviews.
Ringgold, Faith, Linda Freeman and Nancy Roucher.
Talking to Faith Ringgold
. New York: Crown Publishers, Inc. 1996. Comprehensive, interactive, lavishly illustrated with pictures of the artist, her art and related photographs, for children primarily written in the first person by Faith Ringgold.
Rosenberg, Martin. “Seizing the Power of Images.”
4 Perspectives
URL: http://www,artsednet.getty.edu/ Betye Saar’s “The Liberation of Aunt Jemima” seen from four perspectives: the artist, the critic, the aesthetician and the art historian which form the foundation of discipline based art education of the Getty Foundation. Material found on the Internet.
Sills, Leslie.
Inspirations, Stories About Women Artists
. Niles, IL: Albert Whitman and Company, 1989. In-depth profile with illustrations of Faith Ringgold and three other women artists.
Visions, Stories about Women Artists
. Morton Grove, IL: Albert Whitman and Company, 1993. In-depth profile with illustrations, including “The Liberation of Aunt Jemima” of Betye Saar and three other women artists.
Turner, Robyn Montana.
Faith Ringgold
. Boston: Little Brown and Company, 1993. Illustrated biography of Faith Ringgold.