The following list of books in Spanish explore some aspect of the theme on communities.
Arboites, Luis (1989).
El campo y la ciudad. Mexico
, Editorial Patria.
Chlad, Dorothy (1985).
Cuando viajo en auto
. Chicago, Children’s Press.
Ostos, Suana Martinez (1987).
El comercio. Mexico
, Editorial Patria.
Spier, Peter (1987).
. New York, Lectorum Publications.
Usborne, Peter (1981).
. Spain, Editorial Molino.
The immigrant face:
Freeman, Russell (1980).
Immigrant Kids
. Scholastic Inc.
Kratky, Lada Josefa (1993). José se llamaba el padre.
Naranja Dulce
. McMillan/McGraw-Hill.
Levine, Ellen (1993). . . .
If your name was changed at Ellis Island
. New York, Scholastic Inc.
An excellent non-fiction book on the immigrants history and experiences throughout its history. Can be used as read aloud.