Francine C. Coss
Teacher Resources
Back, Christine.
Chicken and Egg
. Morristown, NJ: S. Burdett Company, 1986. 24p
Photographs, drawings, and text follow the development of a chick embryo from the fertilization and laying of the egg to the time the chick hatches. J598.61/B
Farr, Roger C. and Dorothy S. Strickland.
The Treasure Tree
. Volume 1. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993. 380p
A kindergarten level, Language Arts curriculum book containing six integrated themes: Mostly Me!, Off to School, Family Time, What’s for Lunch?, Best Friends, and Pet Show. [Currently used by Kindergarten teachers in New Haven Public Schools].
Farr, Roger C. and Dorothy S. Strickland.
The Treasure Tree
. Volume 2. New York: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1993. 382p
A kindergarten level, Language Arts curriculum book containing six integrated themes: Animals Animals, Rain or Shine, Going Places, Nighttime,
On the Farm, and Splish Splash. [Currently used by Kindergarten teachers in New Haven Public Schools].
Gutnik, Martin J.
New York: F. Watts, 1985. 118p
A collection of science projects which demonstrate concepts and aspects of cell theory, cellular reproduction, and modern genetic theory. J575.1/G
Johnson, Sylvia.
Inside an Egg
. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Co., 1982. 48p
Text and photographs trace the development of a chicken egg from the time it is laid until the chicken is born. J598.6/J
Paysan, Klaus.
Domestic Pets
. Minneapolis: Lerner Publications Company, 1972. 106p
Text and photographs introduce various species of dogs, cats, birds, fish, and other animals and the care they need as pets. 636/P
Pringle, Laurence P., comp.
Discovering Nature Indoors: A Nature and Science Guide to Investigations with Small Animals
. Garden City, NJ: The Natural History Press, 1970. 128p
Suggests scientific investigations which can be conducted in the home/school on guppy, goldfish, watersnail, housefly, cockroach, mouse, and other small animals. J591.08
Shuttlesworth, Dorothy Edwards.
Gerbils and Other Small Pets
. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1970. 130p
General instructions for raising a gerbil and other pet rodents such as hamsters, squirrels, mice, rats, guinea pigs, and rabbits. J636/Sh
The Pet House Book: How to Build Housing, Accessories, and Playthings for Your Dogs, Cats, Birds, Lizards, Hamsters and Other Pets
. New York: Butterick Publications, 1977. 200p
A very good resource for class projects and parent/child projects during the study of pets. Best hands-on reinforcement following discussions of habitat! 690.89/Liiip