Students will use simple Spanish words and phrases such as greetings, expression of likes and dislikes, numbers, and colors.
Students will keep a journal of Spanish they have learned and words that they wish to learn.
Given a block of time, students will work in small groups and use words they have learned in Spanish to create a conversation.
Construction paper, writing paper, stapler, crayons, and pencils.
Have students create their Spanish journals by folding a piece of construction paper in half and stapling pieces of writing paper inside. Let students title these books “My Spanish Journal.”
Ask students that if they were going Mexico and they needed to learn Spanish to get along, what would be some of the most important things they would have to learn to say first. (Encourage students to say “greetings” as this is usually what is best to start with).
Begin by saying hola (hello) and have students repeat several times. Practice by saying hola to individual students and let them answer with the same.
Continue with Como estas? (How are you), Bien, y tu? (Fine, and you?), si (yes), Por favor (please), Como se llama? (What is your name?), Me llamo . . . (My name is . . .) etc.
Give students the opportunity to repeat these phrases over and over a little at a time.
Numbers 1-10; uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete, ocho, nueve, diez.
Colors: amarillo (yellow), anaranjado (orange), azul (blue), blanco (white), negro (black), rojo (red), verde (green), marron (brown).
Say something in Spanish and see who could respond appropriately to what you have said. Also, tell students to draw a picture of a house and color each part of the house the color that you say in Spanish. (e.g. Color the door rojo; Color the roof negro).