1. Students will be able to briefly explain what the Afro-Cuban poetry movement, Négritude and Harlem Renaissance are as well as why and how they came about.
2. Students will be able to identify common aspects of the poetry within especially the Afro-Cuban movement including el choteo and the theme of discrimination.
3. Students will be able to visualize the difficult work of cutting sugar cane.
1. Listen to a brief explanation of the poetry movements.
2. Listen to and read along silently with a portion of the poem “Notes on a Return to the Native Land” and the poem “Ca–a.” Listen to an introduction to the movie.
3. Watch a portion of the movie “Sugar Cane Alley.”
4. Discuss the term el choteo in reference to the movie and the process of cutting sugar cane.
5. Listen to and read the poem “Negro Bembón.” Work with a partner to translate a portion of it into English.
6. Share translation with rest of class and discuss poem in reference to el choteo and discrimination.
7. Listen to and read poem “I, too.”
Homework: Write a sentence in Spanish with each of the following terms that shows you understand their meaning. Be as descriptive as possible.
El choteo, ca–averal, negro bembón, poes’a afrocubana.
Copies of 4 poems:
“Ca–a” by Nicolás Guillén
“Negro bembón” by Nicolás Guillén
“Notes on a Return to the Native Land” by Aimé Césaire
“I, too” by Langston Hughes
Video of movie “Sugar Cane Alley”
Video viewing equipment
Suggestions: This lesson has a lot of possibilities for collaboration with a French class. The French students could learn portions of the Césaire poem and teach it to the Spanish students. A History, Geography or Social Studies teacher could provide a lesson on the Caribbean nations, slavery, and sugar economy.