Lesson Plan One:
The first part of this lesson will focus on Romare Bearden and his work.
The objective of this plan is to have students focus on the mood and interpretations in the works of Romare Bearden.
Visual Aids:
Romare Bearden:
Showtime, mixed media 50x40, 1974.
Blues at the Crossroads, 1985.
Encore, Collage, 1980.
Three Folk Musicians, 1967.
The Woodshed, 1970.
Solo Flight, 1970.
focal point
shifting perspectives
rough textures
simplified shapes
asymmetrical composition
negative space
bright colors diagonals
1. What kind of artist was Romare Bearden?
2. What kind of materials do Romare Bearden use in his collages?
3. How many difference materials can you find in “Blues at theCrossroad?”
4. What mood does Bearden create in “Blues at the Crossroad?”
5. What kind of faces are in Bearden’s “Three Folk Musicians?”
6. What quality do the masklike faces in “Three Folk Musicians” convey?
7. What does the Collage by Bearden called “Encore”, suggest?
8. What do the images in “Showtime” suggest about Romare Bearden?
9. How does Romare Bearden convey his interest in jazz music?
10. When did Romare Bearden develop his passion for “blues” music?
Lesson Plan Two:
Students will be looking at the work of Roman Bearden, and how his using juxtaposition works point out the conflicts and hardship of life in the African American community.
Students will use photos, and other materials to create their own photomontage.
Tag Board 12x18
Construction paper (assorted colors)
Fabric Scrapes
Personal photos
1. Teacher will have students collect various photos. Students will also observe various works by Romare Bearden on collage. Students will select photos that best express them.
2. Students will coordinate their chosen photos with various fabric and felt pieces.
3. Photos and fabrics will be arranged into a design using fuxtaposition, overlapping, and repeating images.
4. Design will be glued to Oak tag.