Hercules next labor was to capture the Cerynean [Sair-EE-nee-an] Hind, which was a swift-footed and elusive deer with golden horns. It belonged to Artemis, the goddess of the hunt and of the moon. As a child, Artemis had captured four hinds, but this one had eluded her and escaped from northern Greece to the Cerynean hills not far from Tiryns. Because this deer belonged to an Olympic deity, Hercules did not want to harm it in any way. He chased it for an entire year to the ends of the earth and back again to its home in the Cerynean hills. When it collapsed from exhaustion, Hercules tied it up and put it across his back to bring back to Eurystheus. Along the way, Artemis stopped him and asked him why he had stolen her deer. When he related the story of his labors, she allowed him to proceed, providing no harm came to the animal. He conveyed this message to Eurystheus upon his return home. The king demanded that the hind be released so as not to incur the wrath of the goddess of the hunt.
It would be appropriate at this point to have the students explore whether any animals today are known as hinds. They can look at he different kinds of deer and where they are found in various parts of the world. Similarly, students can do some in depth studies of the various kinds of animals which our hero encounters in his various labors. This will bring an element of science and geography into this project.