Cynthia H. Roberts
Activity #1
Students will select one author of interest to research their life and works. Each student will find out as much as possible.
The biographical sketch and the selection by the author.
An encyclopedia can provide basic facts.
One or two books that include criticism of the author can probably be found in the library.
Reading about the historical period in which the author lived by also help.
The group may divide responsibilities for conducting research on the author, assigning certain members to read specific books. Then the group as a whole will discuss what each person found their individual research.
Activity #2
Students will be responsible for correctly spelling and writing the definition for each vocabulary word.
1). Republican
2) Democrat
3) Politics
4) Political party
5) Justice
6). Government
7). Elect
8). Officials
9). Process.
10) registration
Activity #3
Students will choose which word or phrase shown on the right best explains the meaning of the word in Italics on the left.
1.reform to bring about peaceful change to overthrow
2.abolish do way with preserve
3.autobiography life story written by one’s self not a story
4.prohibition forbid completely allows
5.radical want complete change wants no change