This whole-language integrated unit is organized around the lives of children from four different cultural heritages within the United States, as depicted by the authors of eight middle elementary reading level books. The exploration of each book is outlined in a separate section allowing for ease in use as individual book studies or as an inclusive multicultural reading, language arts, social studies integrated curriculum at the middle elementary level.
The first study, African-American culture, introduces the multicultural explorations by allowing the children of my 98% Black population to learn about their own heritage before moving into cultures that may be unfamiliar to them. Inuit, Chinese, and Hispanic respectively move the children along in their acquisition of knowledge as they develop their language skills. Each exploration includes a variety of reading-level books both fiction and non-fiction to accommodate all the children in the classroom. The studies may be taught in any order culminating with a summary activity to bring closure to the unit.
Each book study has strategies for building background through accessing the prior knowledge of the students. Key words are introduced to the children before the reading of the story as well as strategies for using clues to determine meaning of the key words in the context of the story.
Each book study has a plan for the reading of each book which includes; previewing, predicting, setting a purpose for reading, and the guided reading of the story.
Each study has an opportunity for the children to respond to the literature through a variety of writing, summarizing and critical thinking activities.
Each study has Language Arts activities which guide the children to learn through literature.
Finally each study includes integrated activities to promote the multicultural social studies focus of the unit as a whole.
@Text:To make this unit teacher-friendly the books found in the bibliography that complement each individual study are listed with the study that they are intended to enhance and extend.
Justin and the Best Biscuits In The World
by Mildred Pitts Walter
Social Studies focus
Black Cowboys
About the book
This book gives children a look into a part of African American history that is little known to most third graders, the story of the Black Cowboy. This book sends the reader on a self-awareness journey with Justin, who feels he can't do anything right. The book also gives the reader a look at African American migration to Missouri after the Civil War. @$:
The story takes the reader from Justin's home in the city, where he lives with his mother and sisters, to his grandfather's ranch where he learns real men's work. Justin learns family history. Most importantly he learns to feel good about himself through the gentle, sensitive, "real man" his loving grandfather.
Reading the Literature
Building background
Students in a whole class discussion create a chart containing all the facts they know about cowboys, ranching, rodeos, etc. This will tap into the knowledge that the children are bringing with them to the story.
Included here are a list of key words and phrases which enhance the meaning of the story and increase the comprehension skills of the reader. These key words need not be introduced before the reading but can be taught in context as each chapter is read and discussed.
tetherball (p. 2) -- challenge(p. 2) -- "weather the storm" (p. 6) --
retorted (p. 7) -- mimicked (p. 11) -- aggressive (p.14) --- frustrated(p. 18)--
dazed (p. 22) -- tranquil (p. 29) --stampede (p. 31) -- gleaming (p. 35 ) --
shimmered (p. 36) --wallowing(p. 39) -- surge( p. 52 ) -- sorghum (p. 82) --
tribulations( p..82) -- veterans (p. 83) -- competition ( p. 85) --
contestant (p. 92) -- embroidery (p. 96) -- disqualified( p. 104) --
triumph(p. 110)--
Guided Reading
It is important for the children to prepare for the reading of this story by previewing the book. This can be done with a simple activity where the children pair up with another student and make a list of things that they think the story is going to be about. They can at the same time make a list of predictions of what they think will happen in the story. The children will report back to the class with the results of their investigations. With a class chart of predictions the class will be ready to read the book to find out if their predictions will take place.
Paired reading is a great way to read this book. A strong reader paired with a weak reader make a good team. With book in hand and a set of discoveries to make in each chapter students embark on their journey into Justin's life and African American history of the west.
Chapter1: Discover the following things about Justin. Look for the author's clues!
Justin's feelings about his sisters. Justin's feelings about his grandfather.
Chapter2 : Discover Justin and "women's work". What happened to Justin's father? How does he feel about it? What makes Anthony a good friend?
Chapter3: Discover what kind of a person grandpa is. Do you know anybody like him?
Chapter 4 :Discover what Justin enjoys during his trip to the ranch. Look for clues that Justin has been to the ranch before.
Chapter 5 :Discover how grandfather helps Justin.
Chapter6: Discover why the title of this chapter is "riding fence." Why does the author includes the incident with the doe? What is she trying to show about grandpa?
Chapter7 : Discover two famous black cowboys. What does this have to do with the story?
Chapter8: Discover what journal Justin reads and why it is so important to him.
Chapter9 :Discover the relationship that Justin has with his grandpa. What are the things that Justin reads that make him sad.
Chapter10: Discover Justin as a good sport.
Chapter11: Discover why Justin's accomplishments in this chapter are important to the story.
Chapter12:Discover how Justin has changed. Discover how his sister's feelings for Justin have changed.
Responding to the Literature
Children will respond to the story, learn summarizing skills, develop letter writing skills through the use of responding through writing.
Write a letter to Anthony while you are visiting grandpa on the ranch. Be sure to tell all you have learned and done while there.
Integrated Curriculum
Social Studies
This book opens the door for a study of black cowboys and the state of Missouri. Four non fiction resource books provide the background information to help the children work in small groups to create a whole class project for the sharing of their discoveries.
From Sea to Shining Sea, Missouri
by Dennis Fradin and Judith Bloom Fradin, gives children a look into the past as well as a window on Missouri as it is today.
Holt and the Cowboy
by Jim McCafferty,
Bill Pickett
by Andrea D. Pinkney, and
Nat Love
by Robert Miller, offer exciting looks at the lives of three famous black cowboys.
Nat Love is a part of American folklore and a legend of the Old West. He was born a slave in Tennessee in 1854. He learned his cowboy skills while a slave. After the Civil War Nat went west to be an American citizen. There he drove cattle on the Chisholm Trail.
Holt Collier was born a slave in Mississippi. He learned to train horses while a slave. Holt fought in the Civil War in the Texas Brigade. After the war was over he spent most of his life training horses for the officer friends he had made during the war.
Bill Pickett's father was born into slavery. He grew up on the Texas plains branding cattle and swinging a rope. After the Civil War he settled as a free man in Texas. He had a son Bill. When Bill was fifteen he went out on his own working as a cowhand on ranches all over Texas. He became known all over for his abilities. He entered rodeos and became famous in America, Canada, and South America. He even preformed in England for the king and Queen. He died in 1932. He was the first African American inducted into the National Cowboy Hall of Fame and Western Heritage Center in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
***Black Cowboy Cooperative group project.***
Objective: Children will learn through investigative research an extended amount of information on the topics found in their fiction reading. Children will investigate several black cowboys and the state of Missouri using books and print resources provided by the school library and the classroom teacher ( see bibliography ). Children will use technology resources to supplement their print research data. Children will demonstrate their acquired knowledge through various media, constructed to meet the different learning styles of the students. These products of learning will become part of the classroom environment as the multicultural study progresses.
Class Grouping: Heterogeneous cooperative learning groups of four children.
Procedure: Each group chooses a particular person or area to gather information on then presents that information in a way that best represents what they want to share and how they want to share it with the class.
Choices for sharing: charts, written reports, books, plays, poetry, pictures, maps, timelines, and dioramas.
The oral sharing with the class of the group investigations.
The completed projects on display in the classroom.
by Eloise Greenfield
Social Studies Focus
African-American urban women studies
About the book
This book is a story of a young girl in a single parent family. A strong mother struggling to keep it together. It is a story of family love and strength. It is a story of sadness and hardships. It is the story of Doretha who is afraid she's going the way of her headed for trouble, older sister, Alberta.
This is Doretha's diary. It serves as a book of memories that she reads to herself hoping that her sister will return before she has gotten to the end. Doretha relives her life portraying the people that have been close to her, realizing that she has found the strength to be herself from these people.
There are many wonderful social implications from this book which enhance a study of the urban African American culture. The history of black freed slaves, with roots in North Carolina, migrating north is one example. A community of urban blacks searching for, holding on to, and celebrating their culture and heritage through dance, language, and oral traditions is another cultural strength looked at in this book and experienced by the communities of our cities.
Reading the Literature
Building Background
Students write in journals about the people in their families. Included are family members, the places the children have lived, the things that they remember about their earlier years, and the feelings that go with these memories.
Included here are a list of key words drawn from each chapter. The knowledge of them will increase the reading comprehension skills of the reader as well as enhance the meaning of the story.
crumble (p. 4)---tremble(p.12)---slumped(p.17)---hideous(p.42)---flute(p.50)
Guided Reading
Previewing the book as a preparation activity to assist in reading comprehension can be accomplished very nicely for this selection by having the children look at the cover and pictures inside. Have the children write in their journals predictions about each chapter by using the chapter titles as a guide. Have the children share their predictions orally in a whole class discussion. These predictions should be posted on large chart paper for reference while reading the book.
Individual guided reading of this book allows the reader to focus and reflect on each part of the story without the distraction of oral discussions, which are a part of the paired reading strategy. Each chapter in Doretha's young life brings with it insight into the feelings and lives of the reader as well as the characters of the story. Chapter by chapter the reader can explore and record the following discoveries.
Chapter1 : Explore the feeling of longing to breathe, with ones whole body, new air.
Chapter 2: Explore the joy of being given a gift by your father of an old looseleaf notebook that was special to him.
Chapter3: Explore the scared, lonely, sad feeling of watching your father die in front of your eyes while you are enjoying a family reunion .
Chapter4: Explore the missing that happens when you see people you love suffering and you can't help them.
Chapter5: Explore the feeling of pride, prejudice, and slavery.
Chapter6: Explore the frustration of being embarrassed in school.
Chapter7: Explore the emotions that go with losing a friend and holding on to a prized possession that he has given you to remember him by.
Chapter8: Explore the deep hurt one feels watching one they love being hurt by someone.
Chapter 9: Explore finding emotional security in other people of your culture.
Chapter10: Explore the emotional highs and lows of loving someone while you watch them destroy themselves.
Chapter11: Explore discovering that you are strong enough to be yourself!
Responding to the Literature
Children respond to the story while learning Venn diagramming. An important third grade skill of comparing and contrasting can be taught in the context of this story. The students take their journal entries, written before they read the story, which recorded their own memories, families, and emotions and compare them to the emotions, memories, and families of Doretha. A Venn diagram showing differences and similarities is created using their own journals and the story information.
Venn Diagram: This diagram consists of two overlapping circles. The outer parts of the circles are used to indicate differences (or contrasts) and the overlapping parts are used to show similarities (or comparisons).
Integrated Curriculum
Social Studies
******A project involving African Adornment******
Paper Kufi
African Adornment
To show pride in their heritage young Africans and African Americans wear this round hat.
Some are made of kente cloth (a material made in Ghana.
Objective: For children to create a piece of the African clothing they read about in the book, Sister by Eloise Greenfield.
Dark colored construction paper strip 24" by 2".
Six strips of different colored construction paper 12" by 1".
Fit headband tightly around head and staple.
arrange six strips of colored paper in a wheel over lapping in center.
staple outer edges of wheel to headband.
Assessment: Children will display their hats in the classroom as part of their multicultural reading through literature experience.
Yang The Youngest and His Terrible Ear
by Lensey Namioka
Social Studies Focus
Seattle, Washington
Violin and other stringed instruments
About the book
This is a wonderful book of Chinese cultural values and the difficulty with which they are assimilated into the American culture. This is a touching story of old world values vs. current American values. A story of a family who immigrates to the United States from China. The father, an acclaimed musician in China, finds it difficult to make a living in Seattle.
The children are all gifted musicians except the youngest child who finds himself better at baseball than the violin. His family doesn't understand him. They think he just isn't trying! An added twist finds Yang, fourth brother, with an American friend who loves to play the violin but whose father thinks music is for sissies and wants his son to play baseball.
This is a very wonderful story for teaching about the unique gifts of each individual and how we need to celebrate them. This book is great for introducing the concept of children from different cultures becoming friends and actually teaching their parents about diversity.
Reading the Literature
Building background
Using several resource books listed here, or similar selections, children go on a fact finding mission about the Chinese culture, country of China, and state of Washington. This is an opportunity for children to gain an understanding of the freedoms they have here in the United States that the people of China do not share.
Three books,
The Children of China
by Matti A. Pitkanen,
A Family in Taiwan
by Ling Yu, and
I Remember China
by Anita Ganeri talk specifically about children of China. Here the children can gain an understanding of the Chinese culture through the eyes of children like themselves.
Two books,
by David Flint (On the Map series), and
China Old Ways Meet New
by Deborah Kent help children learn about China and the Chinese culture.
The book
by Dennis Brindell Fradin and Judith Bloom Fradin, is a study of the state of Washington. This helps the children understand the setting of the story, giving information about a state they have had little opportunity to learn about.
The children's discoveries should be compiled into a whole class book and left available for reference as the reading of Yang the Youngest and His Terrible Ear takes place.
With this book a glossary of words should be created by the class as the reading unfolds. A picture representing China or the Chinese culture should be placed on the bulletin board. As the children come across words they don't know the meaning of, or are Chinese and unfamiliar to them, or words that just interest them, they should create shape cards (perhaps star shape) and place them on or around the picture creating a reference for creative writing assignments later. The definition or an explanation of meaning needs to be included with the word or phrase.
Guided Reading
Paired reading of this book gives opportunities for cooperative creating of glossary words (above) and general discussion after each chapter is read. It also provides for the original background building(above) to become a cooperative effort.
Responding to the Literature
Children respond to the reading while learn parts of story through story mapping.
Creation of a story map using a graphic organizer containing Beginning (setting, characters, problem), Middle (Events), Ending( solution and reaction) of the story.
Integrated Curriculum
Social Studies
***A project involving Chinese writing***
Chinese Character Stories.
Children will gain an understanding of the Chinese written language.
Children will write using several Chinese characters.
A copy of Chinese characters (may be found in China, On The Map, by David Flint)
black pens and, white paper.
Procedure: Children will practice drawing the various characters using their paper and pens. When they feel comfortable children will write a story using the Chinese characters learned. They can illustrate their stories and create a class book for display.
Assessment: The class book created will become part of their classroom display on their multicultural reading experience.
Toughboy & Sister
by Kirkpatrick Hill
Social Studies Focus
Inuit Culture
About the book
This book is about two children who are left alone at their isolated fishing camp on the Yukon River away from their Alaskan village. This is a story of survival and courage. It gives a very clear picture of the Inuit culture and way of life. It contrasts the city life of modern Alaska with the isolated, primitive life of the Alaskan wilderness. It illustrates children who cooperate, learn to be sensitive to and help each other as they use put to use the knowledge they have seen modeled by their parents.
Reading the Literature
Building background
Three excellent children's reference books help the children learn about Alaska and the Inuit culture before they embark on their Alaskan adventure with Toughboy and sister.
The Inuit
by Ruth Thompson gives a clear introduction to the people of Alaska. It has very simple hands on activities for the children to do to help their understanding.
Arctic Hunter
by Diane Hoyt-Goldsmith is about a boy who not only lives a contemporary life full of pizza, and hamburgers but also who participates in the old rituals of his Inupiat culture. It parallels very closely the seasonal transition from the modern city life to the isolated summer life of the characters in the fiction story.
The Sea to Shining Sea
series has a great book on Alaska.
by Dennis Brindell Fradin helps the students gain an understanding of the largest state in the United States,
Through reading and gathering information from the three resource books above the children create a mural of Alaska. By dividing the area into two halves the children can create contrasting city and isolated tundra fishing camps. The animals, birds, buildings, background etc. should be based on their research. It will be a focus for visualizing the fiction story they involve themselves in reading.
Have children create a list of words that describe, or create pictures with words, as they experience them in the story. Upon completion of the reading of the story children will do a creative writing activity where they will write a letter to their mother describing their adventure in Alaska as they travel with Toughboy and Sister. They are to use the list of words they created in their letters. Children may also create imaginary diaries instead of letters as another option.
Guided Reading
Children read independently this book. Whole group reflection lead by the teacher should follow each chapter. Some questions to consider are listed below.
Chapter1: How did Toughboy and Sister react to the idea of being split up after their mother died?
Chapter2: Discuss the people of the Alaskan village and their role with the children after the mother died. How does this compare to what might happen if you were left without your mother?
Chapter3 and 4: Discuss the trip to the camp. Talk about the feelings of the children during the trip and when they stopped to visit the Danov's camp.
Chapter5 and 6: Discuss the children's feelings when they got to camp and started to set up for the summer as well as father's emotions and sudden departure to the village.
Chapter 7 and 8: Discuss the fears of the children. What was wrong with father? How did the children react?
Chapters 9 through 22: Discuss in detail the way that the children slowly learn to copy the learned ways of their parents in order to survive after the father dies. Discuss the feelings and roles that the children take on to create the needed cooperative effort.
Chapter23: Talk about the feelings of Natasha when she comes to the camp to find out why they didn't return to the village in the fall. Talk about the children's fate and how they react to it.
Responding to the Literature
The journal or letter writing listed above in the vocabulary section incorporates a response to the story as well as a personal narrative creative writing lesson.
Integrated Curriculum
Social Studies
***A project of Inuit Communities.***
Homes: both past and present
Objective: Children will research, gather information, and build homes of the Inuit people. Examples of homes include: sod houses, wooden houses on stilts, and snowhouses.
Procedure: Children work in cooperative groups to research through the library and computer, the various types of homes and communities that the Inuit people live in. Children will choose one type of house and build it with materials available in the classroom. These homes will be accompanied by a brief explanation and description written on large index cards. Children will draw backgrounds and land surfaces to complete the display of their homes.
Assessment: The finished project and accompanied index card booklets which will be added to the created multicultural environment of the classroom.
Meet Josefina
Josefina Learns A Lesson
(Book one and two )
Part of the American Girl Collection
by Valerie Tripp
Social Studies Focus
New Mexico
History of New Mexico 1800s
About the books
These two books, when read in sequence, give an excellent elementary account of life in the area that today is the state of New Mexico. These fictional stories transport the children into a time and place that becomes very real for them through the daily activities, feelings, and adventures of Josefina a young Mexican girl and her sisters.
These books give children an opportunity to realize that there are life situations which are as real for them today as they were for families that lived long ago. Josefina and her two sisters have lost their mother. They live with their father and are closely tied to their extended families. Josefina and her sisters must do the chores that were the mother's responsibility before she died. Like Toughboy and sister these girls have to put away their childhood games to help run the rancho.
These books are full of rich descriptions of crafts and activities which are a part of the Mexican, Spanish heritage. Children learn about weaving, spinning, cultural dances, and foods.
Reading the Literature
Building background
Listed here are a collection of resource books to be used by the children as they prepare to read the stories.
New Mexico
, by Judith Bloom Fradin and Dennis Brindell Fradin
Postcards form Mexico
, by Helen Arnold
Where We Live Mexico
, by Donna Bailey
Through the Eyes of Children ,Children of Mexico
, by Connie Bickman
On The Map, Mexico
, by David Flint
A New True Book, Mexico
, by Karen Jacobsen
Exploring Cultures of the World, Mexico
, by Deborah Kent
A Family in Mexico
, by Tom Moran
A study of Mexico and New Mexico prior to the reading of the stories will make the reading more meaningful. Dividing the class into eight groups, one for each resource book, gives the children an opportunity to read and respond to the nonfiction books in ways that they are comfortable with. Each group reads the book then creates their own way of sharing its contents with the class. Some children may create group books, others charts and collages. Oral reports are given using criteria set up by the teacher. The group generated displays decorate a corner of the classroom to be referred to as the children read their novels.
There is a glossary of words in each book which is very comprehensive. A creative writing activity using these words helps the children gain understanding in meaning and context usage. This activity should be done after the reading of the stories as a responding to literature activity. A writing prompt might include: The family that lives next door to you is from Mexico. They have a child your age who you become his or her best friend. They invite you to go with them to visit their grandparents. Write a letter home to your family telling of your trip and the things that that you do and see while there.
Guided reading
An independent reading of these books is recommended.
Discuss the similarities and differences in Josefina and her family and Toughboy and his family after the death of their mothers. Talk about the children's changing roles and the feelings of their fathers.
Discuss the cultural activities that you read about in the novels and also found in the resource books.
Be sure to discuss roles of extended families in the stories and whether they are similar to the roles that the students' extended families play in their lives.
Sibling relationships are a large part of this story as well as in Toughboy and Sister. Do the children have similar relationships? What are some similar personality traits that you recognize to be the same as your brothers or sisters?
Responding to the Literature
(see writing activity in vocabulary section)
Integrated Curriculum
Social Studies
*** A project on weaving*****
Children will gain an understanding of the craft of weaving, as illustrated in the book
Josefina Learns a Lesson
Procedure: The children will go on a field trip to a location where weaving is demonstrated or illustrated as a craft. (examples of such trips include Peabody Museum, Sturbridge Village, Historical Society).
Children will use cardboard frames and yarn to weave their own mats. Cardboard frames should be square frames with slits cut around the edges at equal distances around the perimeter of the square or rectangle. The yarn wraps around the frame horizontally in rows then woven vertically in and out of the horizontal rows creating a beautiful weaving.
Assessment: Is the finished weavings on display in the multicultural environment of the classroom.