John K. Grammatico
Language Arts (Creative Writing)
Students will write a creative story on the theme of travelling to the Sun with a stress on proper punctuation and capitalization.
45 mins.
Writing paper, construction paper for a cover.
As students get to know the Sun throughout this unit, they will realize that it is too hot to travel to. Discuss with them what would happen if a special space ship was created that could bring people to the Sun. Give students the writing prompt asking them to use their imaginations and write about what they would find on the Sun if they went there. Give students about half an hour to complete this. Stress the importance of how every sentence begins with a capital letter and ends with some form of punctuation be it a period, question mark, or exclamation mark.
Let students fold construction paper like a book cover and decorate it. When their story is complete and edited, they can place the story in the cover and staple it in place.
Let students have an author's day where they are allowed to read their stories to the class. Invite parents in to listen. Hang stories around the room when complete.