Grayce P. Storey
The recipient pays for all donations, usually through insurance, Medicare, or Medicaid. Organs cannot be bought nor sold in the U.S. It would be in violation of the law to attempt to do so, (public Law 98-507.) Also The National Organ Transplantation Act prohibits the sale of organs. Violators can be prosecuted, fined, or imprisoned. If there were such guidelines, the rich would have a monopoly over organ donations. An ethical issue that would arise out of such an advantage is, why should the rich would live and the poor would die?
Public Law 106-554 provides significant enforcement in the Medicare coverage and anti-rejection medications needed by transplant patients. Medicare also pays for some heart, lung , and liver transplants if the recipients are 65 and or disabled. This group is also eligible for indefinite drug coverage.
The organ procurement agency absorbs all cost related to organ extraction's for transplant. Knowing that there is no cost involved is a factor that all donors should be made aware of.