Prown, Jules David. Mind in Matter: An Introduction to Material Culture Theory and Method.
Winterthur Portfolio
, vol. 17, no. 1, Spring 1982, p. 7-10.
This explains the methodology I used for each piece of music and art.
Jackson Pollock
Hentoff, Nat. Jackson Pollock's Jazz.
The Wall Street Journal
, February 19, 1999, ill.
Mandeles, Chad. Jackson Pollock and jazz; structural parallels.
Arts Magazine
, L VI/2, October 1981, p.139-141: ill.
This article provides the most information on comparing his work with jazz music.
Cernuschi, Claude.
Jackson Pollock: Meaning and Significance
. New York: Library of Congress, 1992.
This book provides excellent background information and a deeper look into other works of his.
Stuart Davis
Cassidy, Donna M.
Painting the Musical City: Jazz and Cultural Identity in American Art, 1910-1940
. Smithsonian Institutional Press, Washington, 1997.
Davis, Emily. Swing Era: Painting the Jazz Product.
Kelder, Diane.
Stuart Davis
. New York: Praeger Publishers, 1971.
This is a good book for history on Davis many actual conversations noted in book.
Arthur Dove
Morgan, Anne Lee.
Arthur Dove: Life and Work, With a Catalogue Raisonné
. Cranbury: Associated University Presses. 1984.
Again, excellent reading material for the background and life of Dove.
Wasserman, Emily.
The American Scene Early Twentieth Century
. New York: Jupiter Art Library, 1984.
Zilczer, Judith. Synaesthesia and Popular Culture: Arthur Dove, George Gershwin, and the "Rhapsody in Blue."
The Art Journal
, v.44 no. 4, p. 361-366: ill.
This article gives an excellent view of Dove's response to Gershwin's music.