Students will read the article "Off-Field Hurdles Stymie Indian Athletes" by Selena Roberts. The article can be found in the June 17, 2001 Sunday edition of the New York Times. Students will make connections between the article and
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven
. They will follow up this lesson with an essay, which will be for homework. This lesson will take more than one day, because there will be much discussion of the findings.
Text: "Off-Field Hurdles Stymie Indian Athletes" - Roberts examines the dilemma of the Native American living on the reservation and sports. There are many good athletes on the reservation, but due to multiple and complex problems, many don't get off the reservation. One notable example is that a coach says that he would rather take an athlete from the inner city or ghetto rather than a reservation, because those from the reservations are "risky investments" that don't often pan out.
Students will…
• sharpen summary skills
• identify major points of arguments made
• evaluate the arguments made in the article
• compare and contrast article to another text
1. In two sentences summarize the article.
2. Explain the major points made why Native Americans aren't well represented in professional and college sports.
3. Explain the major points made by Rusty Gillette as to how Native Americans can succeed when given the opportunity.
4. What point is the article as a whole trying to make?
5. Does it do this effectively?
6. How does this article relate to
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven
7. Look back in the book and list the specific reference made about basketball.
8. Pick three of the references and explain what Alexie is saying.
Essay Question:
In a thoughtful and well organized essay, compare what is said about basketball and the reservation in the article "Off-Field Hurdles Stymie Indian Athletes" to what is said about basketball in the novel
The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven
. Be sure to consider the role that basketball plays in reservation life and what significance Alexie places on basketball. Also consider the reservation culture and societal influences in both pieces.