Student will:
1. Understand that there are different types of bridges.
2. What is the purpose of the bridge (vehicular or pedestrian).
3. Why was the bridge built.
Materials: The use of computers, and reference material from the library. Butcher block paper and some markers.
Procedures: Students will work in pairs. The types of bridges will be introduced before the students do this research. Students will research a bridge and will answer questions about the bridge. Who, What Where, Why, When and sometimes how. Students will draw this bridge on white butcher-block paper, using a scale to draw the bridge.
Homework: The students will describe a bridge that is close to their home, an answer: why was it built, what was it built of, when was it built, why do you think it was built there, and how do you think it was built. Included in their homework will be a sketch of the bridge.
(chart available in print form)