This unit will address the following Language Arts standards for grades 9-12 as approved by the New Haven Board of Education.
Content Standard 1.0 Reading
Students will demonstrate strategic reading skills before, during and after reading.
Students will predict, reread, sequence, infer, paraphrase and ask questions.
Students will give an initial personal reaction to text and describe its general content and purpose.
Students will construct an interpretation and/or explanation of text.
Students will describe the text- initial reaction, description of content and purpose.
Students will participate in a wide variety of reading experiences.
Students will read literary, informational and persuasive materials.
Students will compose narrative, expository and persuasive pieces related to selections read.
Students will exhibit comprehension by responding to a wide variety of texts through oral, visual, verbal, artistic, musical and technology formats.
Content Standard 2.0 Writing
Students will demonstrate successful writing behaviors.
Students will write to define, clarify and develop ideas and express creatively.
Students will participate in a wide variety of writing.
Students will demonstrate effective use of the writing process: pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing and publishing.
Students will reflect, use feedback and assessments and confer with others to plan for improvement.
Content Standard 6.0 English/Integrated Language Arts
Students will explain how literature represents, recreates and explores human experiences through language and imagination.
Students will create personal and expressive writing.
Students will write observations and descriptions.
Students will create narratives and original stories.