Cone, Michele.Artists under Vichy.Princeton NJ: Princeton University Press, 1992. An in-depth study of the situation in France during the Occupation from 1940-1944, from the perspective of the artists living there at the time. Filled with photographs, reproductions of art works and critical documents from the time.
Daix, Pierre.
. New York: Frederick A. Praeger, Publishers: 1965. A concise but extensive biography of the artist Picasso, along with a collection of his major works (some color).
Eubank, Keith, Ed.
World War II: Roots and Causes
. Lexington, Mass.: D.C. Heath & Co., 1975. A collection of writings detailing five major periods during the Second World War. Applicable to high school students.
Greenberg, Clement.
Art and Culture
. Boston: Beacon Press, 1969. An examination of the relationship between the aesthetic experience of an individual vis à vis the social and historical contexts in which the experience takes place. Understandable and interesting.
Jaffé, Hans L.C.
. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1964. A collection of the major works by Picasso, shown in 8 x 11 photographs, and including thoughtful, though general explanations.
Mason, Anthony.
The Works of Pablo Picasso
. London: Aladdin Books Ltd. 1994. A simple-to-read picture book of Picasso detailing his major periods and accomplishments.
Neret, Gilles.Matisse.Glasgow: Harper Collins Publishers Ltd., 1999. A biography of the artist, including insightful analyses of his works shown in 8 x 11 photographs.
Ophuls, Max, Director.
The Sorrow & The Pity
. France: Productions Télévisions, Rencontre S.A., 1969. A video-documentary about the key players in the Resistance movement in France during the Occuation. Stories and interviews by several French and German witnesses to the period.
Prown, Jules.
Art as Evidence: Writings on Art and Material Culture
. New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2001. A look at artists, how they are shaped by their culture, and how their art represents evidence of that culture.
Pryce-Jones, David.Paris in the Third Reich: A History of the German Occupation.New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1981. An historical overview of the city during the early 40s and the aftermath of the Occupation.
Stein, Gertrude.
. USA: Beacon Press, 1972. A biography of the artist, including many photographs, pictures of his works and a personal account of their relationship.
Frankenheimer, John, Director.
The Train
. France: MGM/UA Home Video, 1965. An exciting and informative movie about the attempted theft by the Germans of millions of dollars worth of French art from the Jeu de Paume museum in Paris. Taking place during the Occupation of Paris in the 1940s and starring Burt Lancaster.