This unit is designed to provide a distinct connection to early New Haven from our current prospectus as a modern city. We will first examine the native inhabitants and their interaction with early English settlers and try to determine the mindset, motivation, and goals of each group as related to the development of early New Haven. We will follow these groups from settlement to the colonial period, throughout their role in the Revolution, and to their adjustment as an independent democratic society in the Post-Revolutionary/Constitutional period. The early New Haven era has been divided into four areas of study as follows:
1. Settlement of the New Haven Colony. (Areas of note include Native Americans and Puritans and their role in shaping both the colony and the present day City.)
2. Pre-Revolutionary New Haven - Economic growth and self-government.
3. Revolutionary New Haven - Impact of the Revolution on New Haven and New Haven's role.
4. Post-Revolutionary New Haven- Shaping the Constitution and the emergence of a thriving community.
An overview of the general information to be provided to students will follow. This curriculum is designed to be flexible to the needs and interests of our students.