Christine A. Elmore
To write a small poem patterned after the kind Valerie Worth wrote.
Valerie Worth, All The Small Poems and Fourteen More, chart paper, notebook paper cut in half lengthwise, poetry journals, pencils.
1) I will begin by reading a number of Valerie Worth's poems asking the students to use their senses and tell me what they notice. We will also look at her use of similes and metaphors, economy of words and her use of descriptive words.
2) Because I want the students to see these poems, the use of single words and short phrases and the actual shape of each poem, I will have them written out on chart paper.
3) One poem that I plan to use is Asparagus (p. 149). The lines are only two to three words long and include very vivid descriptive words (long-necked, sharp, scaly, alert). Both similes and personification are used in this poem and we would discuss these devices as well. In our discussion of this poem I would include such questions as: In what ways does the poet compare asparagus with snakes? What movements does asparagus make? What can you see and taste in this poem?
4) After looking at a number of Worth's small poems, noting that she uses very ordinary subjects for her poems, I will ask each student to choose a subject they would like to write about. I will do the same, as I will be modeling the writing process in this lesson.
5) In their poetry journals they will brainstorm words and phrases that describe their chosen subjects. They will then brainstorm some similes. Comparing their subject with other things using like or as.
6) In rereading their notes they will then select the descriptive words and phrases that they like best and play with their positions in the poem. A simile or two taken from their notes will then be added and I will encourage them once again to play with the position of theses similes within their poem. I plan to model this process on chart paper stressing that it may take numerous rewrites before one is satisfied with the poem.
7) In later conferencing with each student I will help him or her refine his or her small poems.