The Clean Air Trust
A simple to understand question and answer page that explains the Clean Air Act. It discusses what it is, how it works, when it was passed and how ell it has worked.
The Plain English Guide to The Clean Air Act
As the name implies this is an easy to understand site devoted to explaining the evolution of the Clean Air Act
Clean Air Act Timeline
This site describes the evolution of the Clean Air Act form its inception through present day. It is continuously updated. The site is somewhat difficult to navigate.
Acid Rain, Water Science for Schools
This site is designed for students and teachers. It includes a section on the water cycle and discusses water pollution. It is especially helpful in explaining pH.
Canadian Government Environmental Agency Homepage
A great site for current data on acid rain and emission trends.
Clean Air Markets
An invaluable resource for understanding the market - based approach to reducing SO2 emissions. There is an
Acid Rain SO2 Allowances Fact Sheet
that is clearly written. The site is surprisingly easy to navigate given its size.