Priscilla L. Luoma
The activities in this unit incorporate the following New Haven Public Schools’ curriculum standards for Language Arts / English, grades 9-12:
Content Standard 1.0 Reading: The students will progress along a developmental continuum of strategic skills that ensure success in reading.
Performance Standard 1.1: Students will demonstrate successful reading behaviors.
SW read and comprehend text that is abstract and removed from personal experience.
SW make inferences based on implicit information from text and provide justification.
SW make comparisons between texts.
SW apply these strategies when studying across the curriculum.
Performance Standard 1.2:
Students will demonstrate strategic reading skills before, during and after reading.
SW establish a purpose for reading (literary, information, perform a task).
SW use prior knowledge as an introduction to the selection.
SW skim and scan text for information.
SW use the structure of organizational pattern of selection.
SW use graphic organizers and note-taking techniques to organize information.
SW predict, reread, sequence, infer, paraphrase and ask questions.
SW give an initial personal reaction to text and describe its general content and purpose.
SW construct an interpretation and/or explanation of text.
SW describe the text – initial reaction, description of content or purpose.
SW interpret the text – construct interpretation and/or explanation of the text and connect text to outside knowledge.
SW move beyond the text – reflect, make judgments about its quality and meaning.
SW construct meaning through analyzing, elaborating, and responding critically.
SW compare and contrast written works
Performance Standard 1.3:
Students will participate in a wide variety of reading experiences.
SW read literary, informational and persuasive materials.
SW find similarities and differences among text structures.
SW recognize social and historical changes through their study of literature.
SW read literary, informational and persuasive materials.
SW compose narrative, expository and persuasive pieces related to selection read.
Content Standard 2.0 Writing: Students will develop strategic writing skills that ensure successful communication.
Performance Standard 2.1:
Students will demonstrate successful writing behaviors.
SW use standard English for all types of writing.
SW reflect, use feedback and assessments and confer with others to plan for improvement.
SW demonstrate confidence and view selves as writers.
SW use strategies when writing across the curriculum.
Performance Standard 2.2:
Students will demonstrate strategic writing skills before, during, and after writing.
SW select text forms to suit purpose and audience.
SW establish a purpose for writing.
SW determine and plan for a specific audience.
SW establish a tone, theme, point of view, and type of writing.
SW use prior knowledge as a basis for writing.
SW design questions to focus on selection to be written.
SW spell correctly.
SW use graphic organizers, take notes, select and synthesize relevant information and plan text sequence.
SW write first draft.
SW elaborate on ideas, give examples, and add originality to writing.
SW check for logic, sequence, content, coherence, style, verb tense and format.
SW edit and write final draft.
SW complete legibly either by hand or word processor.
SW reread work to themselves and others.
SW exhibit and/or publish writing piece.
SW develop confidence in writing.
SW view themselves as effective writers.
SW develop competence in writing.
SW explain the goals in writing a text, and indicate the extent to which they were achieved.
Performance Standard 2.3:
Students will participate in a wide variety of writing experiences.
SW write daily for different and varied purposes.
SW keep a writing portfolio that demonstrates growth.
Content Standard 3.0 Speaking: Students will develop strategic speaking skills that ensure success in oral communication.
Performance Standard 3.1:
Students will demonstrate strategic speaking skills before, during, and after speaking.
SW demonstrate use of acceptable, standard English in daily discussions.
SW demonstrate appropriate language of social interaction skills.
SW demonstrate appropriate language and literacy skills.
SW demonstrate appropriate language and thinking skills.
Performance Standard 3.2:
Students will participate in a wide variety of speaking experiences.
SW respond to a wide variety of questions, comments and ideas during discussions.
SW speak reflecting logical, independent, creative and critical thought.
SW express opinions and as questions in class discussions.
SW use language to affect the listener through the use of argument.
SW make connections between literature and multimedia resources.
SW identify the intended message of verbal advertisements, entertainment programs and/or news.
SW recognize and analyze propaganda techniques.
Content Standard 4.0 Listening: Students will develop strategic listening skills by interpreting and constructing meaning from auditory cues.
Performance Standard 4.1:
Students will demonstrate strategic listening skills before, during and after listening.
SW apply listening strategies developed in previous grades.
SW use graphic organizers, outlines, note taking or other aides to record information.
SW make assumptions and predictions about what will be heard.
SW construct meaning through initial understanding and interpretation (CAPT).
SW construct meaning through analyzing, elaborating and responding critically.
SW compare and contrast similar topics, themes, characters, and problems.
SW listen and respond analytically and critically to gain knowledge from formal, informal and media/viewed settings.
Performance Standard 4.2:
Students will participate in a wide variety of listening experiences.
SW respond to others who are speaking by demonstrative attentive listening and responding behaviors, by asking and responding to relevant questions.
SW participate in curriculum-related listening experiences.
SW compare and contrast articulated perspectives and points of view.
Content Standard 5.0 Viewing: Students will develop strategic viewing skills by interpreting and constructing meaning from visual sources.
Performance Standard 5.1:
Students will demonstrate strategic viewing skills before, during and after viewing.
SW establish a purpose for viewing.
SW use prior knowledge to prepare for viewing experiences.
SW develop questions prior to viewing.
SW use graphic organizers, outlines, note taking or other aides to record information.
SW make assumptions and predictions about what will be seen.
SW focus on message and visual clues.
SW predict, sequence, infer, paraphrase and ask questions while viewing.
SW construct meaning through initial understanding and interpretation (CMT).
SW synthesize and use relevant information from selection seen.
SW demonstrate an awareness of values, customs, ethics and beliefs from selections seen.
Content Standard 6.0 English / Integrated Language Arts: Students will read a wide range of print and media texts (1) to build a knowledge base; (2) to acquire new information which will support the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and (3) to become lifelong readers for personal enjoyment.
Performance Standard 6.1:
Students will explain how literature represents, recreates and explores human experiences through language and imagination.
SW do persuasive writing.
SW respond to literature (CAPT).
Performance Standard 6.2:
Students will analyze and choose appropriate language structures, language conventions, media techniques, figurative language and genre to express and substantiate ideas and experiences.
SW read and respond to literary, informational and persuasive materials.
SW describe, interpret and move beyond the text.
SW produce works that contain standard acceptable English.
SW follow a writing process.
Performance Standard 6.3:
Students will participate in a wide variety of literary experiences.
SW analyze figurative language
SW compare human experiences, motives, conflicts, cultures and values in literature to personal experiences.
Performance Standard 6.4:
Students will demonstrate understanding of diversity through the study of language, literature and culture.
SW recount story elements of TV, radio, film or other technological productions.
SW view concepts and issues from diverse perspective.
SW identify attitudes/skill/knowledge for successful interaction between members of diverse groups.