Content Standard
1.0: Reading
Demonstrate strategic reading skills.
- Students will discuss what they already know about the topic.
- Students will use phonics, word meaning and grammar clues to help in reading.
- Students will distinguish real events from make-believe.
- Students will show understanding by responding orally, in writing, through technology, and/or through the arts.
Content Standard 2.0:
Demonstrate successful writing behaviors.
- Students will establish a purpose by writing and make a plan.
- Students will use complete sentences, margins, headings, and correct spacing.
- Students will check for correct spelling, capitalization, and punctuation.
- Students will keep a folder that demonstrates progress in writing.
Content Standard
3.0: Speaking
Demonstrate strategic speaking skills.
- Students will speak courteously and respectfully to all persons.
- Students will share information and participate in discussion groups.