Abie L. Benítez
The seminar that I have chosen to guide me in the process of writing this unit will help me learn how machines work and how they affect the environment. Furthermore, I hope to learn how energy sources are used for machines and how this usage affects the environment.
Energy is a very abstract concept for me. I dare to say that I understand how energy works in the human body with lots of hesitation. But for me concepts such as heat or work, remain a mathematical and scientific enigma. On the one hand I am inclined to use technology and admire engineering ingenuity; on the other hand I have not dedicated time until now to understand how machines work. Moreover, I have not been able to clearly understand how energy sources are transformed for machines to work.
The Outline of the Unit
I. Energy
A. What are heat, work and energy?
B. Energy Sources
II. Machines
C. What is a Machine?
1. Simple machines
2. Compound machines
3. Others
D. What is an engine?
1. How does it function?
III. The Environment
E. Current Impact
1. pollutants
2. consequences