Bibliography for teachers
-Acuna, Rodolfo.
Occupied America
. Pearson Longman, 1997. (History of Mexico, from the conquest to the present day.)
-Galeano, Eduardo.
Las Venas Abiertas de América Latina
. Siglo Veintiuno Editores, 1971-2004. (One-sided overview of Latin America from Columbus to the 60's. It might be a little biased, but it can be useful to read it to approach the history of Latin America from a different perspective.)
-Gracia, Jorge J. E. and Pablo de Greiff. Ed.
Hispanics/Latinos in the United States: Ethnicity, Race and Rights.
Routledge, 2000. (Collection of interdisciplinary essays. Discussions of Hispanic identity in education, politics…)
-Gonzalez, Juan.
Harvest of Empire: A History of Latinos in America.
Penguin Books, 2001. (Historical look at both Latin America and Latinos in the United States.)
-Habell-Pallan, Michelle and Mary Romero, Editors.
Latino/a Popular Culture.
New York University Press, 2002. (Collection of essays on current trends affecting Latinos who live in United States and Canada. Articles about Latino music, drama…)
-Halperin Donghi, Tulio.
Historia Contemporánea de America Latina
. Alianza Editorial, 2000. (History of Latin America, from the conquest to the 70's.)
-Morales, Ed.
Living in Spanglish: The Research for Latino Identity in America
. St. Martin's Griffin, 2002. (Portraits of Dominicans, Mexicans, Colombians, Salvadorians, Cubans and Puerto Ricans in the U.S. trying to move beyond identity.)
-Novaro, Marcos. "Identidad y Representación." In
Representación y Liderazgo en las Democracias Contemporáneas
. Ediciones Homo Sapiens, 173-261.
-Ochoa, George.
Atlas of Hispanic-American History
Checkmark Books, 2001. (How Spanish, Native Americans and Africans influenced the cultures in Latin America. This book covers the background of Hispanic America. It has been extremely helpful for my research.)
-The Americas.
Culture Grams. World Edition 2004. Axiom Press, 2004. (Helpful book that includes facts of all the countries in America giving detailed information on history, the people, customs and courtesies…)
Reading List for Students
-Barlow, Genevieve.
Stories from Latin America / Historias de Latinoamérica.
Side by Side Bilingual Books, 1995. (Bilingual. Different traditional stories and legends from various Hispanic American countries: Guatemala, Colombia, Mexico, Puerto Rico…)
-Ochoa, George.
Atlas of Hispanic-American History
Checkmark Books, 2001. (How Spanish, Native Americans and Africans influenced the cultures in Latin America. This book covers the background of Hispanic America. It has been extremely helpful for my research.)
-Olmos, Edward J. Editor.
Americanos: Latino Life in the United States
. Boston: Little Brown, 1999. (Bilingual book. Photographs, essays, poetry and comments from notable figures such as the writer Carlos Fuentes to capture Latino life and culture at its richness.)
Prisma: Método de Espa–ol Para Extranjeros. Continua (A2).
Editorial Edinumen, 46. 2001. (Spanish Grammar and exercises book that includes readings in different issues.)
The Americas.
Culture Grams. World Edition 2004. Axiom Press, 2004. (Helpful book that includes facts of all the countries in America giving detailed information on history, the people, customs and courtesies… Really helpful for students!!)
Filmography for Teachers
Buena Vista Social Club.
Dir. Wim Wenders, 1999. (Documentary. In 1996 Ry Cooder gathered some of the greatest names from The Cuban music in the 40's and 50's such as Ibrahim Ferrer, Compay Segundo, Omara Portuondo… The film captures the amazing collaboration between these artists.)
El Norte
. Dir. Gregory Nava, 1984. (The film is the story of Rosa and Enrique, two young Guatemalans who are forced to leave their country to survive. It is the story of their long journey up: through Mexico to the United States. The film is divided in three parts: Guatemala, Mexico and the United States.)
Free to Fly
The U.S.-Cuba Link
Dir. Estela Bravo, 2004. (Documentary. The story of the struggle to maintain links between the Cuban and American people. The U.S. embargo has severely limited the degree to which U.S. citizens can legally travel to Cuba.)
Great Day in Havana.
Dir. Laurie Ann Schang and Casey Stoll. Cinemateca. 2001. (Documentary. Havana artists: painters, sculptors, filmmakers, poets, musicians and choreographers share their worlds and their art to proudly display their city and their identities.)
Mi Familia
. Dir. Gregory Nava, 1995. (The portrait of a Mexican-American family in Los Angeles. Nava explores issues such as the importance of family and the problems they have to face.)
The Mission
. Dir. Roland Joffre, 1996. (The movie is about what happened in 1750 in the border of Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil when the Spanish and the Portuguese colonized the Guarani tribe, and how the Jesuits helped the indigenous peoples.)
Filmography for Students
El Norte
. Dir. Gregory Nava, 1984.
Great Day in Havana.
Dir. Laurie Ann Schang and Casey Stoll, 2001.
Mi Familia
. Dir. Gregory Nava, 1995.
The Mission
. Dir. Roland Joffre, 1996.
Materials for the Classroom
-Barlow, Genevieve.
Stories from Latin America / Historias de Latinoamérica.
Side by Side Bilingual Books, 1995.
Buena Vista Social Club
. Produced by Ry Cooder, 1997.
-Computer with Internet access and speakers.
-DVD / VCR player.
Querido Pabl
Pablo Milan
s. (1985)
Revolución de Amor
-Poster Board (very big) and color markers.
Prisma: Método de Espa–ol Para Extranjeros. Continua (A2).
Editorial Edinumen, 46. 2001.
-Ry Cooder's
Buena Vista Social Club.
(1999) (Compact Disc)
-Smart Board.
-Television set.
Internet Resources
-Hispanic On Line. (All Hispanic issues are found in this site. Information on Politics, education… A wealth of resource information.)
-Hispanicvista. (This site contains articles written by Latinos about Latino issues and points of view.)