For the activities specified in this unit, the following materials are recommended.
Molecular Model Kit (or Styrofoam balls and toothpicks): due to the large structures the students will be constructing, each group of students will probably need their own model kit, depending on how many atoms are in each kit. Therefore, it might be more cost effective to use Styrofoam balls for this activity.
A journal for each student is needed to log her caloric intake and physical activity over the period of one week. These can easily be made by the teacher in a variety of ways.
Computers: Students should have computer access in order to determine their recommended caloric intake from the Children's Energy Needs Calculator. Students will also need computers to carry out their research on dietary supplements.
Projector: A projector is also a good material to have for this unit if you wish to show any of the videos from United Streaming. If a projector is not available, you can also have students watch the videos on their own computers and answer questions based on these videos.