Heidi A. Everett
The unit will begin at the cellular level, in order to organize the information in a manner that allows students to activate prior knowledge. If this unit is used in an introductory biology course, the topic of cell function and structure should have already been presented due to this topic typically being covered earlier in the school year. This is an ideal time for a brief review of cell structure and function as these are key concepts that should appear on a midterm and final exam. Those students enrolled in an anatomy and physiology or an advanced biology course may need a refresher over the importance of the cell's structures and functions.
The central and peripheral nervous systems are the two main sections of the nervous system and they are the anatomical focal points covered in this unit. The main objective is for students to identify, describe, and analyze the nervous system anatomy involved in acquiring and processing information that is received through an individual's sense of hearing, seeing, smelling, touching, and tasting.