-Algarín, Miguel.
On call / Miguel Algari?n
; with photos by Geoffrey Biddle. Houston, Tex.: Arte Pu?blico Press: Revista Chicano-Riquen?a. University of Houston, c1980. Collection of poems written by many Nuyorican poets, with an introduction from Miguel Algarín. It comprises the model of Algarín´s esthetics: search for identity, heritage and roots.
- Algari?n, Miguel and Holman, Bob. ed.
Aloud: Voices from the Nuyorican Poets Café
. H. Holt: New York, c1994. Poems by many artists who frecuent the Nuyorican Poets Café.
- Algarín , Miguel and Pi–ero, Miguel, ed.
Nuyorican poetry: an Anthology of Puerto Rican Words and Feelings
. New York: Morrow, 1975. This is the first poetry anthology that collects the work of many Nuyorican. The introduction by Miguel Algarín was thought to be a Nuyorican poetic manifesto suggesting the emergence of a new kind of poetry.
-Blanco, Guillermo, ed.
"Neruda, el hombre y el poeta."
Santiago de Chile: Revista Hoy, 1979. Special edition on Pablo Neruda: articles, poems, reflections, pictures, etc.
- Flores, Juan.
Divided Borders: Essays on Puerto Rican Identity
. Houston, Texas: Arte Publico Press, 1993. A collection of essays on literature, history, and the culture of Puerto Ricans in the United States.
-Dimitriadis, Greg,
Performing Identity/Performing Culture : Hip Hop as Text, Pedagogy, and Lived Practice
. New York : P. Lang, c2001. Analysis of young people and their uses of hip-hop. The author explores the history of hip-hop and rap music, looking at these movements as a sociological phenomena. Interesting due to the parallelisms that hip-hop and reggaeton have.
-Gray, Pamela.
"The Poetry Heritage of Puerto Rico."
April 25, 2007. http://www.ncteamericancollection.org/assets/pdf/aaw_poetry_essay.pdf. Brief article that explores the influences on Puerto Rican poetry, main poets, the Nuyorican movement, and its main themes.
-Neruda, Pablo.
Full Woman, Fleshly Apple, Hot Moon: Selected Poems
. Trans. Stephen Mitchell. New York: Harper Perennial, 1998. Collection of Pablo Neruda´s poems chosen by the writer and translation Joseph Mitchel. Bilingual edition.
-Seeley, Virginia, ed
. Latino Caribbean Literature.
New Jersey: Globe Fearon Educational Publisher, 1994. Anthology of poetry, short fiction and non-fiction for a high school audience. Antology that includes expository and narrative stories, a selection of poetry and a play from Cuban, Dominican and Puerto Rican authors. All the pieces explore how these authors struggle to establish a sense of their identity and the dichotomy
of living across cultures. Wonderful selection of poems.
-William, Luis.
Dance between Two Cultures: Latino Carribean Literature Written in the U.S.
, Nashville: Vanderbilt UP, 1997. Analysis of the most outstanding and representative poetry and narrative of the Latino and United States literatures. The book is divided in three sections focused on Puerto Rican American, Cuban American and Dominican American writers. Excellent reference book!