This unit will be taught to juniors in Honors 11English and Advanced Placement English Language and Composition. Cooperative Arts and Humanities High School is a college preparatory magnet school. Before our students are allowed to enroll in an Honors course, our principal has several meetings with students and their parents to emphasize the commitment and discipline needed to take these courses. In order to enroll in an Honors course, students must have a B- average or higher previously in that academic field. Consequently, my unit will be taught to highly motivated students, who work well independently and cooperatively. Because of this, students will do most of the reading at home and are expected to come to class prepared to have scholarly discussions about the reading. Students are encouraged to think outside the normal parameters when learning in order to become independent thinkers and learners. Currently, the school body consists of 450 students with a ratio of 7 to 1 girls to boys. Cooperative Arts and Humanities High School has one of the most diverse demographics in New Haven’s district. Approximately 30 percent White students, 20 percent Hispanic, 45 percent African American, and 5 percent of students from other ethnicities. Classroom sizes are approximately 22 students.
Coop school is an arts magnet school and all students study traditional academics along with either theater, dance, creative writing, visual arts, strings or choir. Students choose one of these art disciplines and continue studying and practicing it for their entire high school career. Students are encouraged to work across academic and artistic lines and must complete an interdisciplinary project during their senior year in order to graduate. Because of this, students are expected to evaluate both written and visual texts in order experience all types of literature. This includes introducing students to the social and historical climate during the time the literature was written in. Additionally, to promote artistic expression, students will create an artistic piece created based on Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences for this unit. This will allow students to incorporate literature with their art discipline.