Pair and Share, Research
Who, What, Where, When, Why Question Book
Purpose: Students will make their own Volcano Book for a Publishing Party
Procedure: Teacher will arrange the students in the class into groups. The Pair and Share Worksheet and several science research books on volcanoes will be given to them. Students will follow the directions:
1. Before reading the book, read the title and discuss with your partner/partners what the book will be about.
2. Take turns reading orally a few pages of the book.
3. Take notes in your science journal.
4. Under the WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY, HOW categories write facts
5. Write key vocabulary words under each category. (Example: HOW do volcanoes
flows, is it moving fast or slow?)
6. Draw a picture to show an interesting or important fact about each category.
Why? Davis Street School has an event for the third and fourth marking period called Publishing Party, where students write and publish their own books. I have decided to incorporate this event into my unit.