Estimated HIV Infection and Reported AIDS Cases, Year-End. (2006). World Almanac & Book of Facts, 00841382, 2008. Provides statistics on HIV/AIDS cases.
Garrett, L. (July/Aug, 2005).
The lessons of HIV /AIDS. Foreign Affairs.
The Council of Foreign Affairs. Retrieved June 16, 2008 from World Wide Web Excellent article reviewing all angles that HIV/AIDS touches in a country dealing with a large population infected with HIV.
Jelen, B. (2007).
Charts and graphs for Microsoft Office Excel 2007
[electronic resource]. Indianapolis, Ind,: Que, Online book providing tutorial on using Microsoft’s Excel spreadsheet program.
Pennsylvania Department of Health. (2001).
Health Statistics-Technical Assistance: Tools of the Trade.
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Retrieved June 20, 2008 from World Wide Web Provides background information and examples of statistical measurements, data analysis, charts and graphs, data collection/processing as related to populations.
Phillips, J., & Murray, P., Kirk, P. (2001).
The Biology of Disease
. Oxford: Blackwell Science Ltd. College level pathophysiology text book. Provides introduction to epidemiology.
Robbins, N. (2005).
Creating more effective graphs
. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ. Brief descriptions of various types of graphs and provides various examples and explanations of poor/misleading graphs.
Rugg, H. (1925).
Primer of graphic and statistics for teachers
. Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, MA. Provides more a historical background of various graph types and their use since this was published in 1925 and some graph types present today were not yet invented.
Schmid, C. (1983).
Statistical Graphics: Design Principles and Practices
. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Provides overview of the various types of graphs and critiques their uses providing numerous examples of various graphs and poorly constructed graphs. Great section on population pyramids as histograms.
Starr, B. (2004).
Ask a Geneticist. The Tech: Understanding Genetics
. The Tech Museum of Innotvation. San Jose, CA. retrieved from Provides examples of human dominant and recessive traits and an image of HIV attacking a white blood cell.
Tortora, G. & Funke, B. (2002).
Microbiology: An Introduction.
San Francisco, CA, Benjamin Cummings. College level textbook with an introduction to epidemiology and background on HIV transmission.
Tufte, E. 1983. The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Graphics Press, Cheshire, CT. Excellent overview of the purpose of graphs, how they can be misused, what a terrible graph looks like, along with excellent examples of various graphs and their evolution of the years.
United Nations, (2003).
Ageing populations: opportunities and challenges for Europe and North America / United Nations Economic Commission for Europe
. New York: United Nations, 2003. v, 25p. ; 21 cm. Review of the change in demographics and the need for preparation for the larger portions of the developed countries that are ageing.